UE5 360 Stereo Panoramic Player 1.2.9
Create interactive Media Players and Virtual Tours for mono and stereo 360 panoramic images and videos in Unreal Engine 5.
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Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
APanoramicDirector Class Reference

Handle the playing of panoramic experiences. More...

#include <PanoramicDirector.h>

Inheritance diagram for APanoramicDirector:

Public Member Functions

 Called when the experience has started. More...
 Called when the experience has terminated. More...
 DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam (FOnStageChanged, class UPanoramicStage *, NewStage)
 Called when the stage has changed. More...
void End ()
 Exits from panoramic mode. More...
class UPanoramicStageGetCurrentStage () const
 Returns the current stage. More...
bool IsPlaying () const
 Returns true if the experience is playing, false otherwise. More...
void MoveOrExit (TSoftObjectPtr< class UPanoramicStage > InNextStage)
 Move to the given stage or exit from the experience if InNextStage is null. More...
void MoveThrough (const struct FPanoramicStageNavigation &Navigation)
 Move through the given stage navigation. More...
void Play (class UPanoramicExperience *Experience, float StartingYawRotation=0.f)
 Enters into panoramic mode playing the given experience. More...

Public Attributes

UTexture2D * BackgroundTexture
 An optional background texture used for the crossfading. More...
ESphereBlendMode BlendMode
 The blend mode of the sphere (used just when the sphere is spawned by the director) More...
class UCurveFloat * CutOffAlphaCurve
 An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the alpha value of the cutoff when we enter/exit into the panoramic experience. More...
class UCurveFloat * CutOffCurve
 An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the cutoff transition. More...
float CutOffDuration
 The duration (in seconds) of the cutoff effect. More...
bool CutOffOnEnterAndExit
 Defines if the cutoff effect is on when we enter/exit into/from the experience. More...
bool CutOffOnTransition
 Defines if the cutoff effect is on when we change stage. More...
UTexture2D * CutOffTexture
 An optional texture used to customize the cutoff transition. More...
class UPanoramicExperienceExperience
 An optional experience to play automatically when the game begins. More...
class UCurveFloat * FadeCurve
 An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the fade transition. More...
float FadeDuration
 The duration (in seconds) of the fading effect. More...
bool FadeOnEnterAndExit
 Defines if the fade effect is on when we enter/exit into/from the experience. More...
bool FadeOnTransition
 Defines if the fade effect is on when we change stage. More...
class UPanoramicInteractionComponentInteractionComponent
 The component used to perfom interactions with the stage navigations. More...
class UMediaPlayer * MediaPlayer
 An optional UMediaPlayer used to play media sources; it's mandatory only if the experience has some media sources to play. More...
class UMediaSoundComponent * MediaSoundComponent
 A sound component to play sounds. More...
class UMediaTexture * MediaTexture
 An optional UMediaTexture used to play media sources; it's mandatory only if the experience has some media sources to play. More...
FOnExperienceStarted OnExperienceStarted
 Called when the experience has started. More...
FOnExperienceTerminated OnExperienceTerminated
 Called when the experience has terminated. More...
FOnStageChanged OnStageChanged
 Called when the stage has changed. More...
class APanoramicSpherePanoramicSphere
 An optional sphere used for rendering, if null a default one will be created automatically. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void BeginPlay () override
 Override AActor::BeginPlay. More...
virtual void EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override
 Override AActor::EndPlay. More...
virtual void Tick (float DeltaSeconds) override
 Override AActor::Tick. More...

Detailed Description

Handle the playing of panoramic experiences.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BeginPlay()

virtual void APanoramicDirector::BeginPlay ( )

Override AActor::BeginPlay.


APanoramicDirector::DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE ( FOnExperienceStarted  )

Called when the experience has started.


APanoramicDirector::DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE ( FOnExperienceTerminated  )

Called when the experience has terminated.


APanoramicDirector::DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam ( FOnStageChanged  ,
class UPanoramicStage ,

Called when the stage has changed.

◆ End()

void APanoramicDirector::End ( )

Exits from panoramic mode.

◆ EndPlay()

virtual void APanoramicDirector::EndPlay ( const EEndPlayReason::Type  EndPlayReason)

Override AActor::EndPlay.

◆ GetCurrentStage()

class UPanoramicStage * APanoramicDirector::GetCurrentStage ( ) const

Returns the current stage.

◆ IsPlaying()

bool APanoramicDirector::IsPlaying ( ) const

Returns true if the experience is playing, false otherwise.

◆ MoveOrExit()

void APanoramicDirector::MoveOrExit ( TSoftObjectPtr< class UPanoramicStage InNextStage)

Move to the given stage or exit from the experience if InNextStage is null.

◆ MoveThrough()

void APanoramicDirector::MoveThrough ( const struct FPanoramicStageNavigation Navigation)

Move through the given stage navigation.

◆ Play()

void APanoramicDirector::Play ( class UPanoramicExperience Experience,
float  StartingYawRotation = 0.f 

Enters into panoramic mode playing the given experience.

◆ Tick()

virtual void APanoramicDirector::Tick ( float  DeltaSeconds)

Override AActor::Tick.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BackgroundTexture

UTexture2D* APanoramicDirector::BackgroundTexture

An optional background texture used for the crossfading.

◆ BlendMode

ESphereBlendMode APanoramicDirector::BlendMode

The blend mode of the sphere (used just when the sphere is spawned by the director)

◆ CutOffAlphaCurve

class UCurveFloat* APanoramicDirector::CutOffAlphaCurve

An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the alpha value of the cutoff when we enter/exit into the panoramic experience.

Values should be in the range [0,1]. If not set, the alpha value for the cutoff part is fully transparent.

◆ CutOffCurve

class UCurveFloat* APanoramicDirector::CutOffCurve

An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the cutoff transition.

Values should be in the range [0,1].

◆ CutOffDuration

float APanoramicDirector::CutOffDuration

The duration (in seconds) of the cutoff effect.

Put to zero to disable it.

◆ CutOffOnEnterAndExit

bool APanoramicDirector::CutOffOnEnterAndExit

Defines if the cutoff effect is on when we enter/exit into/from the experience.

◆ CutOffOnTransition

bool APanoramicDirector::CutOffOnTransition

Defines if the cutoff effect is on when we change stage.

◆ CutOffTexture

UTexture2D* APanoramicDirector::CutOffTexture

An optional texture used to customize the cutoff transition.

◆ Experience

class UPanoramicExperience* APanoramicDirector::Experience

An optional experience to play automatically when the game begins.

Note: you can play an experience whenever you want through the Play method.

◆ FadeCurve

class UCurveFloat* APanoramicDirector::FadeCurve

An optional UCurveFloat used to customize the fade transition.

Values should be in the range [0,1].

◆ FadeDuration

float APanoramicDirector::FadeDuration

The duration (in seconds) of the fading effect.

Put to zero to disable it.

◆ FadeOnEnterAndExit

bool APanoramicDirector::FadeOnEnterAndExit

Defines if the fade effect is on when we enter/exit into/from the experience.

◆ FadeOnTransition

bool APanoramicDirector::FadeOnTransition

Defines if the fade effect is on when we change stage.

◆ InteractionComponent

class UPanoramicInteractionComponent* APanoramicDirector::InteractionComponent

The component used to perfom interactions with the stage navigations.

◆ MediaPlayer

class UMediaPlayer* APanoramicDirector::MediaPlayer

An optional UMediaPlayer used to play media sources; it's mandatory only if the experience has some media sources to play.

◆ MediaSoundComponent

class UMediaSoundComponent* APanoramicDirector::MediaSoundComponent

A sound component to play sounds.

◆ MediaTexture

class UMediaTexture* APanoramicDirector::MediaTexture

An optional UMediaTexture used to play media sources; it's mandatory only if the experience has some media sources to play.

◆ OnExperienceStarted

FOnExperienceStarted APanoramicDirector::OnExperienceStarted

Called when the experience has started.

◆ OnExperienceTerminated

FOnExperienceTerminated APanoramicDirector::OnExperienceTerminated

Called when the experience has terminated.

◆ OnStageChanged

FOnStageChanged APanoramicDirector::OnStageChanged

Called when the stage has changed.

◆ PanoramicSphere

class APanoramicSphere* APanoramicDirector::PanoramicSphere

An optional sphere used for rendering, if null a default one will be created automatically.

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