UE5 360 Stereo Panoramic Player 1.2.9
Create interactive Media Players and Virtual Tours for mono and stereo 360 panoramic images and videos in Unreal Engine 5.
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UPanoramicExperience Class Reference

Collects data of a panoramic experience. More...

#include <PanoramicExperience.h>

Inheritance diagram for UPanoramicExperience:

Public Attributes

 The entry stage. More...
bool RestoreInitialPawnRotationOnExit
 Indicates if the pawn rotation at the experience start should be restored on exit. More...

Detailed Description

Collects data of a panoramic experience.

Member Data Documentation

◆ EntryStage

UPanoramicStage* UPanoramicExperience::EntryStage

The entry stage.

◆ RestoreInitialPawnRotationOnExit

bool UPanoramicExperience::RestoreInitialPawnRotationOnExit

Indicates if the pawn rotation at the experience start should be restored on exit.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: