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UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary Class Reference

Utilities functions accessible even from blueprints. More...

#include <PanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h>

Inheritance diagram for UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary:

Static Public Member Functions

static bool NavigationLookup (UObject *WorldContextObject, class UTexture2D *NavLookupTex, FVector2D UV, FColor &OutColor)
 Reads the pixel value of the given texture at the given UV coordinates. More...
static void NewPanoramicWidget (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UUserWidget > InWidgetClass, class UWidgetComponent *&OutWidget)
 Constructs a panoramic widget. More...
static bool TracePanoramicStageNav (UObject *WorldContextObject, const UPanoramicStage *InStage, const class APanoramicSphere *InSphere, FVector WorldDir, FPanoramicStageNavigation &OutStageNav)
 Trace a ray against the world and return if a FPanoramicStageNavigation is found. More...
static bool TracePanoramicWidget (UObject *WorldContextObject, const class APanoramicSphere *InSphere, FVector WorldDir, class UWidgetComponent *&OutWidget)
 Trace a ray against the world to find widget components. More...

Detailed Description

Utilities functions accessible even from blueprints.

Member Function Documentation

◆ NavigationLookup()

static bool UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary::NavigationLookup ( UObject *  WorldContextObject,
class UTexture2D *  NavLookupTex,
FVector2D  UV,
FColor &  OutColor 

Reads the pixel value of the given texture at the given UV coordinates.

WorldContextObjectThe World context object
NavLookupTexThe navigation lookup texture
UVThe UV pixel coordinates where to read
OutColorThe color in output
TRUE if the texture is accessible, FALSE otherwise

◆ NewPanoramicWidget()

static void UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary::NewPanoramicWidget ( UObject *  WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< UUserWidget >  InWidgetClass,
class UWidgetComponent *&  OutWidget 

Constructs a panoramic widget.

WorldContextObjectThe World context object
InWidgetClassthe widget class type
OutWidgetthe new widget as output

◆ TracePanoramicStageNav()

static bool UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary::TracePanoramicStageNav ( UObject *  WorldContextObject,
const UPanoramicStage InStage,
const class APanoramicSphere InSphere,
FVector  WorldDir,
FPanoramicStageNavigation OutStageNav 

Trace a ray against the world and return if a FPanoramicStageNavigation is found.

WorldContextObjectThe World context object
WorldDirThe dir (in world space) of the ray
InStageThe panoramic stage where you are
InSphereThe panoramic sphere used for rendering
OutStageNavThe stage navigation as output (if any)
TRUE if a FPanoramicStageNavigation is found

◆ TracePanoramicWidget()

static bool UPanoramicBlueprintFunctionLibrary::TracePanoramicWidget ( UObject *  WorldContextObject,
const class APanoramicSphere InSphere,
FVector  WorldDir,
class UWidgetComponent *&  OutWidget 

Trace a ray against the world to find widget components.

WorldContextObjectThe World context object
InSphereThe panoramic sphere used for rendering
WorldDirThe dir (in world space) of the ray
OutWidgetThe user widget component as output (if any)
TRUE if a UWidgetComponent is found

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