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UMultiWorldSceneCaptureComponent2D Class Reference

Specialization of USceneCaptureComponent2D component compatible with the MultiWorld plugin. More...

#include <MultiWorldSceneCapture2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for UMultiWorldSceneCaptureComponent2D:

Protected Member Functions

virtual void SendRenderTransform_Concurrent () override
 Overrides of UActorComponent::SendRenderTransform_Concurrent. More...
virtual void TickComponent (float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override
 Overrides of UActorComponent::TickComponent. More...

Detailed Description

Specialization of USceneCaptureComponent2D component compatible with the MultiWorld plugin.

The standard USceneCaptureComponent2D component class fails to capture the scene when in a Background World.

Member Function Documentation

◆ SendRenderTransform_Concurrent()

virtual void UMultiWorldSceneCaptureComponent2D::SendRenderTransform_Concurrent ( )

Overrides of UActorComponent::SendRenderTransform_Concurrent.

◆ TickComponent()

virtual void UMultiWorldSceneCaptureComponent2D::TickComponent ( float  DeltaTime,
enum ELevelTick  TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction *  ThisTickFunction 

Overrides of UActorComponent::TickComponent.

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