Google Analytics Measurement Protocol 1.2.4
Google Analytics plugin for Unreal Engine, using a native cross-platform implementation of the Measurement Protocol.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CFGoogleAnalyticsMPBuildSettingsSettings for a Build Configuration
 CFGoogleAnalyticsMPEditorModuleGoogle Analytics Measurement Protocol Editor module
 CFGoogleAnalyticsMPModuleGoogle Analytics Measurement Protocol Runtime module
 CFGoogleAnalyticsMPPurchaseInfoInformation for an economic transaction, consisting of the purchase of one or more items
 CFGoogleAnalyticsMPPurchaseItemInfoInformation for a purchased item
 CUGoogleAnalyticsMPAttributesFilterClass to manipulate the event attributes processed by the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol plugin
 CUGoogleAnalyticsMPSettingsSettings for the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol plugin
 CUGoogleAnalyticsMPStaticsGoogle Analytics Measurement Protocol static methods that can be called from both Blueprint and C++