UE5 360 Stereo Panoramic Player 1.2.9
Create interactive Media Players and Virtual Tours for mono and stereo 360 panoramic images and videos in Unreal Engine 5.
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Stereo Panoramic Player plugin for Unreal Engine 5


Plugin for Unreal Engine 5 to show and interact with 360° panoramic images and videos, supporting both mono and stereo sources. Compatible with PC, macOS, iOS, Android, VR.

The plugin allows you to quickly create a custom panoramic player and integrate it in your UE4/UE5 project.


FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/f720068a-17e9-41c2-80cf-afb357721f9c

Changelog: ChangeLog

Discord server: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

Support forum: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/stereo-panoramic-player/220280

Example project:

Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/LVeVk5_z630

Main features

The plugin provides everything you need to create and manage a custom player for panoramic media. It supports:

  • rendering of 360° panoramic images (mono and stereo);
  • playback of 360° panoramic videos (mono and stereo);
  • over-under stereoscopic layout;
  • overlayed UMG widgets for user interaction;
  • interactive areas through coloured masks;
  • dynamic blending with the 3D environment;
  • high-level actor (class APanoramicDirector) to quickly assemble a panoramic player;
  • low-level actor (class APanoramicSphere) for complete access to all the supported features;
  • features available from both Blueprints and C++.

Quick start

The plugin basically manages a sphere surronding the player, where the panoramic media is internally projected. Over the projected media, the plugin can manage some interactive layers to allow player interactions.

Assets & media

The plugin can show panoramic images and videos, in mono and stereo formats. All used media assets must comply with the technical specifications documented in the section Media Layout.

High level solution

If you need to quickly assemble a "classical" navigation experience through several panomaric images/videos, you can simply drag in scene a APanoramicDirector actor and configure it in-editor. You can read more in the section Panoramic Director.

Low level solution

To control every aspect of the user experience and work around any limitation of class APanoramicDirector, you can directly use an APanoramicSphere actor. You can read more about it in the section Panoramic Sphere.


In the section 'How-to' you can find a list of answers to frequently asked how-tos.